Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ready for the melon mile!

Brady and Shara's three entries to the melon mile at the Hope Watermelon festival this past Saturday. Bebe and Papa were the trainers and they made us proud! All three won a medal and a watermelon! What a fun day we had at Auntie's and Trevor's, and Cuddin Darby Kate's house.

Cuddin Tuc and his sister, Cuddin Kadyn

In this photo are the two apples of my brother Danny's eyes! Aren't they two adorable children? Cute and sweet run deep in our families and here's two beautiful examples! Grandchildren are so great! We can spoil them at our leisure and feel good about it. I've been around these two enough to appreciate all their good qualities. They hold the promise of many good times for proud grandparents.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cuddin Daniel, Cuddin Will, and Cuddin Adam

This photo comes to us from the "Red Neck Riviera!" The title "cuddin," comes from our roots. My Ma ma Mathers always used "cuddin," as a special term of endearment. It was "Cuddin Mallie, "Cuddin Fahlia," etc. Ma ma was the most Southern lady! These "cousins to my children are the very special boys of my brother Gary and his wife Shelia.